This book is an unveiling of the Plan of Redemption. Deep and profound truths are presented in a clear and simple way that will astound!! The Bible will unfold to you, and the Word of God will become a living reality!!
This book is an unveiling of the Plan of Redemption and should be read and studied by every child of God.
As in all of Dr. E. W. Kenyon’s books, deep and profound truths are presented in a clear and simple way that will astound you. As you read and re-read this book, the Bible will unfold to you, and the Word of God will become a living reality!
Ministers – many with long and illustrious preaching careers – have told us that after reading and meditating upon the truths unfolded in this book that many things they have preached upon in theory, suddenly became real to them.
This book contains the answer to many questions that puzzle the average Christian. It is especially good to hand to a new convert, as it will answer so many of their questions. It is suitable as a Bible Study as well, and helpful questions will be found at the end of each chapter.
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