Principles of Engineering Geology by K.M. Bangar. paperback. 1/e 1995

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Principles Of
Engineering Geology by K.M. Bangar is a book that is designed as a basic
text for the students of B.Sc in Geology, B.E. in Civil Engineering and
Mining Engineering, A.M.I.E. Section B, and also Diploma In Mining
Engineering. This book can also be referred to by those who are
appearing for the different competitive examinations conducted by the
U.P.S.C. and other State PSCs. The book also provides the required
information for the keen readers of Geology. Principles Of Engineering
Geology covers topics such as physical geology, minerals, study of
various crystals, and also the different types of rocks, such as
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. The book also covers
different geological structures and the Indian geology. Some of the
other topics that are covered in the book are different deposits of ore
and the role of engineering in geology. Various methods of exploration
and surveying techniques are also covered in the book.K.M. Bangar is
also the author of Engineering and General Geology.


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