Object Oriented Programming( Using Scala &Java) by Chopra. 1/ed. 2022
This book takes a student from “unknown to known” and “simple to complex” principles of JAVA Programming. It is user-friendly, thought provoking and stimulating. It helps in clearing the cobwebs of the mind and the subject. The style used is lucid and un-adulterated. What stands out is the stark Simplicity with which the ideas have been portrayed. The need is to understand the core language be it algorithmic, functional or object-oriented. You must understand and learn its vocabulary—data structures, operations and facilities provided by the standard libraries. A good book should teach the customary and effective ways to structure your code. SCALA and JAVA are the two object-oriented programming languages that are used in this book. The book is divided into 11 chapters: Chapter 1 discusses the introduction to JAVA language. Chapter 2 discusses its vocabulary. Chapter 3 provides a comprehensive survey of the core concept of any object-oriented language-classes. Chapter 4 explores about interfaces and packages in object-oriented programming languages. Chapter 5 explains exception handling in object-oriented programming languages. Chapter 6 discusses about streams and files. Chapter 7 talks about threading and multi threading. Chapter 8 gives Applets and Event handling. Chapter 9 gives Animation and Images implementation. Chapter 10 discusses about JDBCODBC Connectivity and Chapter 11 explains Graphical Programming with SCALA, Swing and SDLC. Factually speaking, barely there is any industry today that has not been affected by SCALA and JAVA. Object-oriented programming languages have made significant impacts and garnered great results. SCALA and JAVA algorithms mimic the capabilities of object-oriented programming languages. Given an exceptionally rapid rate of progress, this book attempts to track recent advances and summarize their achievements in order to gain a clear picture of the current panorama in generic SCALA and JAVA2 languages. The research community moves towards deeper language understanding i.e., from large monolithic programs to more modular, robust, simple, scalable and faster programming languages. The idea is to develop a general-purpose algorithm that achieves two-goals: (a) Accuracy, (b) High efficiency. Despite the remarkable progress of the last years, designing an accurate, robust, efficient detection and recognition system that approaches human-level performance is undoubtedly an unresolved problem. Salient Features: – Deals with the language fundamental and building blocks like operators, variables, keywords etc. User-defined functions and object-oriented sequences in SCALA and JAVA are dealt in an exhaustive manner. Multithreading, exception handling, files and database connectivity are explained in a lucid manner. Case studies are provided for in-depth learning. Programming exercises are provided for the students to reassess their programming skills. Exhaustive laboratory exercises are solved. A brief introduction is provided to case tools. Mini object-oriented projects in JAVA are provided for modeling security algorithms and animations. Sample viva-voce questions are provided to revise unique features of SCALA and JAVA language. Tests the programs with relevant inputs.
Pages: 712
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