Experiments in Food Process Engineering by H. Pandy. paperback. 1/e. 2004

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Experiments in Food Process Engineering is an introduction to the basic engineering aspects in Food Engineering and Technology Efforts have been made to-cover wide range of experiments with a simplistic approach which are considered to be necessary for the professionals in the field of Food Technology/Engineering. All the experiments are well illustrated by the appropriate Figures and Tables wherever deemed necessary. Unit operations in Food processing viz, cleaning, size reduction, drying, thermal processing, freezing, which require sound knowledge of reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer etc are explained

The experiments based on various aspects like fluid flow, colligative properties, mass, and energy balance, heat transfer in foods, psychrometrics, drying, refrigeration, freezing and food storage are well illustrated among a long list Substantial theory prior to experiments is given for the better understanding of the students. Numerical problems are also included to clearly comprehend the given experiment book also includes viva voce questions and a question bank of multiple objective questions to examine the understanding of the students.

These questions will also be beneficial to the students appearing in competitive exams like ARS, GATE, as well as for entrance examination of various institutes like CFTRI, NDRI, IARI, GBPUAT, PAU, SLIET etc. It is hoped that this book will serve as a good teaching aid in the field of Food Engineering/Technology. 1 laboratory safety. 2 units and dimensions and their conversion. 3 mass and energy balance. 4 collegative properties and surface tension. 5 fluid flow in foods. 6 rheological properties of food materials. 7 pumps and fans. 8 heat transfer in foods. 9 heat exchangers. 10 thermal processing in foods. 11 application of psychrometric chart. 12 equilibrium moisture content and water activity. 13 drying and dehydration. 14 mass transfer. 15 food grain properties. 16 size reduction and screening. 17 refrigeration. 18 freezing. 19 packaging of foods. 20 food storage.

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