Experimental physics is the category of disciplines and sub-disciplines in the field of physics that are concerned with the observation of physical phenomena and experiments. Methods vary from discipline to discipline, from simple experiments and observations, such as the Cavendish experiment, to more complicated ones, such as the Large Hadron Colider. Experimental physics regroups all the disciplines of physics that are concerned with data acquisition, data-acquisitionmethods, and the detailed conceptualization (beyond simple thought experiments) and realization of laboratory experiments. It is often put in contrast with theoretical physics, which is more concerned with predicting and explaining the physical behaviour of nature than the acquisition of knowledge about it. Experimental physics uses two main methods of experimental research, controlled experiments, and natural experiments. Controlled experiments are often used in laboratories as laboratories can offer a controlled environment. Natural experiments are used, for example, in astrophysics when observing celestial objects where control of the variables in effect is impossible. This book covers experiments courses of different Universities. The experiments are written in simple and lucid manner so that students can easily comprehend and perform the experiments with understanding and care. The related theory and viva-voce questions with answers, given with each experiment make the book useful to the students.
1. Experiments in Light
2. Experimental Evidence and Tests of Special Relativity
3. Atomic Power and Small Scale of Experiments
4. Experimental Procedure in Resonance
5. Experiments in Liquids and Gases
6. Equilibrium Properties of Semiconductors,7. Calorimetry and Specific Heat
8. Laboratory Spectrum
9. Practical of Heat Engines
10. Relativistic Effects in Atoms
11. Experiments in Astrophysics
12. Experiments in Electron Microscopy.
About the author.
Dr. Sarvendra Kumar is an eminent Assistant Professor (Physics) in the Department of Applied Science,NeelkantGroup of Institution- Meerut, U.P India. He holds Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics,specializing in computational Spectroscopy (Experimental & Computational spectral studies of some substituted Benzoquinones.), from Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh,India. During his yesteryears career Dr. Sarvendra Kumar published 10books, more than 15 research and review papers in different peer reviewed and high impact factor National and International journals. He has delivered speech as a guest, invited speaker and resource person in several National and International conferences and published abstracts of his innovative and applicable research findings. He has more than 12 year of teaching and research experience. He is also expert in handling of Sophisticated instruments.
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