Engineering Physics – R. K. Gaur & S. L. Gupta
Table of Contents PART I. PROPERTIES OF MATTER : 1. Vectors 2. Force and Motion 3. Circular Motion 4. Conservation Laws 5. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies & Moment of Iner tia 6. Gravitation, Gravity and Satellites 7. Elasticity 8. Surface Tension and Viscosity. PART II. HEAT : 9. Temperature and its Measurement 10. Calorimetry and Change of State 11. Expansion of Gases and Gas Laws 12. Specific Heat of Gases 13. Expansion and Compression of Gases 14. Kinetic Theory of Gases 15. Thermodynamics 16. Transmission of Heat 17. Vacuum, Technology. PART III. LIGHT : 18. Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion of Light 19. Refraction at Spherical Surfaces: Thin Lens Formula 20. Lens Aberrations 21. Cardinal Points and Eyepieces 22. Optical Instruments 23. Velocity of Light 24. Photometry 25. Wave Theory of Light 26. Interference 27. Diffraction 28. Resolving Power of Optical Instruments 29. Polarisation 30. Doppler Effect 31. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) 32. Holography and Fibre Optics. PART IV. SOUND : 33. Simple Harmonic Motion: Free, Damped and Forced Vibrations 34. Wave Motion 35. Superposition of Wave
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