Business: The Ultimate Resource. Hardcover. 3/e. 2011

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Weighing in at almost eight pounds, Business: The Ultimate Resource is the champion business book of the season. Among its pages, you’ll find a dictionary, an almanac, profiles of business leaders, practical checklists and information resources on hundreds of subjects. Before you scoff at the idea of giving a hefty resource volume as a gift, consider this: Where else can you find one source for all the expertise and ideas that comprise “business intelligence”? You can buy an entire library or just one book. Sounds like a value even Scrooge would love.

A collection of 150 original essays from today’s innovation leaders capture the “best practice” ideas on everything from people and culture to renewal and growth. The entries are blissfully brief (two to three pages) and come complete with a Make It Happen action plan to help you implement the ideas. The Viewpoints from scholars and bestsellers such as Philip Kotler and Jim Collins present intriguing ideas on moving companies into the future of good business practices.

Whether you’re in human resources or e-commerce, Business has a management checklist or actionlist to guide you step-by-step through nasty assignments like performing a SWOT analysis or creating a 360 degree feedback review. When you get the impossible task of implementing Kaizen or have to deal with a computer virus, the comprehensive but easy to use table of contents makes it simple to navigate to the right resource.

Business book lovers will love the Management Library, a section that summarizes the 70 most influential business books of all time into one page. Learn The Art of War, understand Megatrends and get cynical with The Peter Principle. Then you’ll want to dive into the lively profiles of more than 100 business thinkers and management giants. Business covers everyone from Dale Carnegie to Oprah Winfrey and shares their backgrounds and key contributions.

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