Basics Of Iron Making:theory & Practice By Arbind Kumar
This book describes the Technology of Iron Making as well as the practical aspects of the processes involved in the production. • This book includes Blast Furnace Plant and Processes, Hot Blast Stores, Raw Materials for Iron Making, Fuel, Burden Distribution and Preparation, Properties of Blast Furnace Charge Materials, Operations, Refractories and Accessories, DRI, EAF and SR processes. This book covers the syllabus of B. Tech (Metallurgy) and will be very helpful for AMIE, AIIM, Diploma students of Metallurgy and other competitions.
. History of Iron Making 2. Blast Furnace Plant and Processes 3. Raw Materials for Iron Making 4. Blast Furnace Fuel-Coke 5. Burden Distribution and Preparation 6. Characteristics Properties of B.F. Charge Materials 7. Blast Furnace Operations 8. Blast Furnace Refractories and Related Accessories 9. Blast Furnace reactions (Physical, Chemical and thermal Aspects) 10. Blast Furnace irregularities 11. Recent Trends in Blast Furnace practices 12. Alternative Method of Iron Production (DRI Processes) 13. Alternative Method of Iron Production (EAF Process) 14. Alternative Method of Iron Production 15. Few Practical Aspects of Iron Making
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