Business and Management Books

  • Basic Statistics By Agarwal B.l – 7th Edition – 2022 – Paperback


    Basic Statistics covers a wide range of statistical theory taught in almost all faculties. Theory followed by relevant formulae is fully expatiated through solved numerical problems. Mathematical derivations and proofs of the formulae are kept out of scope of this book. The book presupposes no advance knowledge of Mathematics. It fully covers the syllabi of Statistics courses running in various universities and professional institutions in the faculties of Commerce, Arts, Business Management, Agriculture, Home Science, Pharmacy, CA (PE-I), ICWA Inter, etc. This book provides exhaustive matter in a simple, lucid and exact manner for inquisitive minds. Correctness of matter in all respects is its another greatest feature.

  • About the Book: This book is intended to be a simple and easy introduction to the subject. It is meant as a textbook for a course of Complex Analysis at graduate level of Indian universities. Some of the welcome features of the book are proofs and motivation for the theory; examples are provided to illustrate the concepts; exercises are given at the end of every chapter; keeping in view the applied nature of the subject, ordinary linear homogeneous differential equations of the second order, conformal mapping and its applications are given more attention than most of the other books. Uniform approximation and elliptic functions are treated in great detail; there is also a detailed treatment of harmonic functions, Weierstrass approximation theorem, analytic continuation, Riemann mapping theorem, homological version of Cauchy's theorem and its applications. Diagrams are also provided wherever feasible that will help the readers to develop skills by imagination to visualize abstract ideas. Solutions to some selected exercises which involve lots of new ideas and theoretical considerations have also been provided at the end.

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