Business & Leadership / Entrepreneurship

  • Leading In Tough Times By John C. Maxwell


    Leading in Tough Times: Overcome Even the Greatest Challenges with Courage and Confidence - John C. Maxwell Challenging times will come, but great leaders know how to lead their teams and emerge even stronger—prepare yourself now using this helpful guide to personal and professional success. Great leaderships will face challenges. Markets will collapse; pandemics will come; people will always provide new and interesting ways to makes things difficult. But leaders must achieve results and build a team that produces, even when you are faced with difficult circumstances. This all-new book from John Maxwell, created using content from several of his previous bestselling titles, is the ultimate guide to helping your team survive and even thrive when the unexpected happens. Maxwell helps leaders identify their team's main challenges, take stock of their liabilities, understand what they can control, and use challenges as opportunities to rethink the way they do things. He ultimately gives leaders the tools to grow their teams in the midst of difficult times. Through humor, in-depth insight, and examples, internationally recognized leadership expert John C. Maxwell reassures leaders that they can still lead well and help people develop the skills they need to become great leaders, even when times are tough.

  • Lessons from the Front Line by Michael Brush

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    Lessons from the Front Line by Michael Brush

  • Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson


    Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson

  • Managing In Turbulent Times By Peter F. Drucker.


    • Managing In Turbulent Times

  • Marketing Management by Philip Kotler


    For the MBA Marketing Management course and/or undergraduate capstone marketing strategy course. This is the #1 selling marketing management textbook worldwide because it consistently delivers on its brand promise: to be the first to reflect changes in marketing theory and practice. 2013 Edition

  • My Big Idea tells the stories of 30 successful entrepreneurs and how they got the winning ideas for their successful businesses.

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