The book is primarily intended to serve as a Textbook for undergraduate as well as postgraduate students of Management Studies and also for postgraduate students of Construction Management. It covers the syllabus prescribed by most universities/institutes on the subject ‘Project Management’ and the book will also be of use to commerce students and students of professional courses like AICWA, ACA and CFA.
All aspects of projects, viz., Project Identification, Project Planning and Scheduling, Project Implementation, Project Evaluation, Project Financing and Project Audit have been covered. The book also touches upon finer aspects of Project Analysis and Project Implementation which will be of great use to entrepreneurs.
The subject matter has been presented in a simple and lucid form. Project Scheduling techniques have been explained in detail with the aid of graded examples to bring home the concepts clearly. Case studies taken from real life situations add value to the book as this will help understand the practicalities involved in the discipline of Project Management. Though the book is primarily addressed to students, it will be equally useful to Project Appraisers, Project Managers and Entrepreneurs as well.
The book has been recommended as a Text/Reference book by many Universities and Institution.
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