In the past years, the influence of the holistic movement has become even more mainstream and significant than its detractors ever thought it could but what are its sources and central ideas? This book offers the first authoritative introduction to its central themes and thinkers, through a series of key writings selected and introduced by William Bloom, in term of its range, overview and encyclopaedic feel, it cannot be rivalled. Carl Jung, Deepak Chopra, Elaine Pagels, Carlos Castaneda, Jonathon Porritt, Fritjof Capra, M. Scott Peck and Louise Hay are just a handful of the popular and influential writers represented here. Through their writing, Bloom looks at why it is the holistic approach has became so popular – locating the movement in its historical and cultural context -and also makes a compelling case for its continuing significance.
Many of the ideas represented in the book are already hugely influential and are set to become even more so, particularly for people linked with an openness to new concepts and a willingness to experiment with different approaches. as the scientific revolution continues and global communications become more sophisticated, the intellectual case to be made for holism is ever more compelling. This is a book both for those involved in the holistic movement, and for anyone seeking a complete introduction to its ideas and a wider context within which to understand many of th key scientific, philosophical, ecological and religious developments of the past 30 years.
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