Advances in Rotary Kiln Sponge Iron Plant. K.k Prasad

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Introduction 2 Rotary Kiln Process of Making Sponge Iron 3 Thermodynamic Considerations Feasibility of Reaction 4 Aerodynamics inside a Sponge Iron Rotary Kiln 5 Mathematical Modelling in Rotary Kiln Sponge Iron Making 6 Physical Movement of Solids inside a Rotary Kiln Charge Movement and Coal ThrowingSlinging 7 Requirement Generation and Transfer of Heat in a Sponge Iron Rotary Kiln 8 Reaction Kinetics 9 Raw Materials for Sponge Iron Making 10 Accretion or Ring Formation inside a Rotary Kiln 11 Sponge Iron Properties Re-oxidation and Auto-Ignition of Sponge Iron 12 Uses of Sponge Iron 13 Process Design Engineering and rational Aspects of an RK-DR Plant 14 Other Uses of Rotary Kiln for Reduction Purposes 15 Environmental Aspects of Sponge Iron Making in Rotary Kiln and Future ProspectsNow that India is virtually the only player in this field an elaboration is needed with respect to more fundamental understanding as well as future prospects and needs which this edition has tried to fulfill It can now fulfill the need of a reference textbook in alternate iron making area for undergraduate and post graduate students in Metallurgical Production Manufacturing Chemical Materials and to a minor extent Mechanical Engineering disciplines The aim of fulfilling the needs of entrepreneurs and plant operators has not only been retained it has been elaborated Further the basic aspects have been presented in a way that is lucid and simple to understand and should serve as an incentive to the operators and entrepreneurs to develop a deeper understanding of the process The project engineering section now gives guidelines sufficient to make a project report Opportunities available to this process and the competition it faces has also been highlighted A chapter on reaction kinetics has been included as also a section on iron ore and pellets Other sections included are on Aerodynamics Auto Ignition Coal Throwing etc Rest of the text has been updated to the extent possible Some advanced features have been introduced such as Mathematical Modeling Computational Fluid Dynamics Reduction Mechanism etc to give researchers in the area of food for thought 


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