A Textbook Of Physical Chemistry By A. S. Negi. 3rd Edition 2023- Paperback

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A TEXTBOOK OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY The revised edition of ‘A Textbook of Physical Chemistry’ is intended to meet the requirements of the students of science, engineering and other professional courses at the undergraduate level. It has been planned strictly in line with the syllabi of various Indian Universities who have adopted the new ten-plus-two-plus-three pattern of education The subject matter has been given in a logical, simple and lucid language. The main aim has been on self learning. In this edition some appendices have been added at the end of the book for helping the students. Some more diagrams and illustrations have been added for explaining the fundamentals of the subject. Conventional problems in the earlier edition have been dropped, however general and objective type problems are retained. A considerable number of worked-out problems have been included in most of the chapters. These would expose the students to applications of various concepts and fundamentals of the subject. The revised text largely uses SI units but CGS units have been retained in those cases where the SI units have not as yet been fully appreciated. Dr. A S Negi retired as Associate Professor in Chemistry from Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi. He has taught Physical Chemistry for almost 40 years. He has specialized in Electrochemistry and Reaction Kinetics. He has published a number of research papers on kinetics of electrode processor in national and international journals. He has attended a number of seminars and conferences. Dr. Negi has been actively associated with the framing and upgrading of the Chemistry syllabi of undergraduate courses at the University of Delhi. Dr. S C Anand retired as Associate Professor in Chemistry at Swami Shradhanand College, University of Delhi, Delhi. He has 38 years of teaching experience. He is author of many popular science articles and has to his credit a number of research papers. His specialization includes Chemical Kinetics, Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy. He has participated in a number of seminars and conferences. Dr. Anand was involved in the framing of course curriculum in Chemistry for BSc foundation course of the University of Delhi. Readership: Undergraduate students and Faculty of Chemistry • University and college libraries • Researchers and professionals


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